Showing posts with label sunflower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunflower. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dear Teach: What's in a Day?

Hi Boys and Girls,

Well, I hope over the previous month you have all been very busy and happy. It is now March! When you step outside, quietly breath the air, hold your eyes shut, yes, and breath again but much deeper. What do you notice? There's a sweet smell all around you. Keep that aroma in your memory. It holds a promise of all the good things that are out there waiting to be discovered--- by you--maybe you are now a year older and wiser--still-- there is much to see and consider.

When you stop and think about it, there is much within a day, let alone in a month's time. Probably if you stop and begin to count, there would be millions of things in a single day that you see, you hear, you think, you wonder about; some you worry about, others you are overjoyed with: things and scents and surprises and objects and people and words, and well, you can fill in the rest.

One time, I was walking and noticed something, and here it is, look below. What do you see? You
have to look very, very closely. Do you see it yet?

(C) 2012JMW
Look one more time.

When I first noticed it, I stopped, and thought, "Wait, what is that?" It looked like the head of a duck, or maybe a goose carved into the base of the oak tree. Wow I thought! How ever did it get there? It must be an anomaly, an unusual happening. So here it was. The tree surrounded between asphalt and concrete somehow grew and grew, and in the process a part of itself emerged in the form of another living thing. And that I believed was a simple gift given to any passerby who happened to take notice-- it put a smile on my face, but it was only one tiny part of the adventure.

Now there are those out there that may say, "Hold on now, that is impossible, someone carved it on purpose."

To which I say, you really don't know, unless you actually saw the structure pre and post, or felt the shape, and even then, there is no way of telling unless you "witnessed" the work unfolding.

For me, I choose to believe it was a work of nature, for after all many shapes and anomalies arise from simple structures.

And that is simply just one idea that keeps life interesting---the mystery of it all---happy hunting!

The next image just caught my attention because of the small insect that was perfectly matched to the flower's colors, a wonderful example of camouflage.


What can you see, or find that is most unexpected? I bet there are tons of things waiting just for you.
So on one of these wonderful spring mornings, look around and send me an image of something that for the first time grabbed your attention.

One last note, in my next blog posting, check out a great technique I just discovered for creating the above image [it is a collection of words from the first paragraph found in this blog]!

Happy Spring!

Be Well Kids,

The Teach