Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dear Teach: Hope

Hi Boys and Girls,


What does this word mean to you?

Is it important? Why?

How would the world be if no one had hope?

Would it be dreary and sad?

But of course!

Hope is the golden dewdrop that lies dormant on a leaf.

Sitting and waiting, until an unexpected breeze brushes by to release it.

Its contents wrap round in a knowing warm embrace.

All is not lost, it whispers…

So now as you begin to read the numerous books for your reading classes, consider how often the story wraps a seed of hope within one of the characters.

Think about how it changes the character. Think about who gave hope to the character and why. Think about how the story might have turned out without the idea of hope. How would it be different?

Look for just that one ideal.

It is a universal theme given in many different forms.

Here's a list of books featuring the idea of hope.

Even if these books are not assigned to you, choose one to read and consider the idea of "hope" from all sides.

Be well kids!

The Teach.

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