Showing posts with label Mother Teresa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother Teresa. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dear Teach: Mean People

Hi Boys and Girls,

Have you ever met a "mean" person? 

If you haven't, well then I would say you are indeed most fortunate because you have learned the power of positive thinking. 

But if you have met a mean person, sad to say, you represent about 99% of the population who have met cruel people because most everyone has at one time or another.

So, what constitutes a "mean" person or "mean" people? 

Is it when they send you a nasty look, for no apparent reason?

Is it a whispered word  they utter to another while you are standing there?

Is it the spreading of gossip?

Is it executing a mean act because they were instructed to do so by someone else?

Is it when they cut you off in line?

Is it when they negatively judged you?

Is it when you were excluded from sitting at a particular seat or kept from joining a group?

Is it when they wouldn't share, or play with you?

Well, whatever it was, yes you are correct, those behaviors are indeed "mean" behaviors.

So, what can and should you do? 

Should you report it? Maybe...

But if you are like most children, it rarely seems to help anyway.


People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered

Forgive Them Anyway

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish motives

Be Kind Anyway

If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you

Be Honest and Sincere Anyway

If you find serenity and happiness, people may be jealous

Be Happy Anyway

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow

Do Good Anyway

Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough

Give Them Your Best Anyway

In the final analysis, it is between you and God

It was Never Between you and Them Anyway.

The above lines were found in an orphanage where Mother Teresa once worked. 

Its true author is unknown.

Sometimes all one can do is just to ignore it anyway as the lines express.

I suspect the more you focus on the "mean" behaviors from certain people, the more "mean" behaviors will surely follow you.

In fact, I am quite certain of this. 

So, what can and should you do?

At the end of each day begin to give gratitude for all the GOOD things that have come your way.  

Doing so, will erase all the "mean" actions people may have done on that day. 

Look outside, count all those stars, for each one you see, know that a new friend is waiting for you; for each new bird song you hear, know many great things are being said about you, and for every good thing you do, know many more will follow you.

How many stars can you count?
And here?

How many bird songs can you hear?

This is the way of the Universe. It will always be this way. The glass has always been full, since the day you were born, and will continue to be forever. 

You are almost there kids, not to worry, all is well.

The Teach