Friday, July 12, 2013

Dear Teach: Challenges Through the Eyes of Children

Hi Boys and Girls,

You know, most of us would surely agree that life is challenging in many familiar ways. Some challenges kids face are school related, or deal with family, or friends, or maybe center around health issues, but fortunately, most of us have probably not dealt with challenges of such a serious magnitude [and yes, of course there is always the exception].

In three different accounts I share, consider:  a character in a book whose life is loosely based on a real place with real struggles, another is based on a real life person who became a spokesman/child for enslaved children, and last, an everyday 21st century child who wanted to make a difference.

First, Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy by Gary D. Schmidt is a  story that takes place both on the island of Magala, off the coast of Maine and in a small nearby town where all the shutters are painted green. The year is 1912, and Turner Buckminister has moved to the town of Phippsburg with his family, and his minister father to discover the town isn't your everyday community, but one in which "people point and laugh at one another, where Turner's mistakes are known to the whole town, where you are told what it thinks and what it wants you to think."

Turner has a tough time fitting in until he meets Lizzie, a smart lively girl who lives in a settlement established by former slaves on Magala Island. The story deals with racial issues that tug at the human spirit.

If you want to laugh, to think deeply, and have a good cry then this book is for you.

Karen Cushman, author of The Midwife's Apprentice, wrote an eloquent afterword for this book, and one thing is certain, Gary Schmidt truly deserved the Newbery Honor Award for his book.

And though the characters' names are fictitious,  the story is based on fact, truthful and shameful facts of the destruction of a settlement where African Americans once lived. Today, a stigma still exists surrounding the history and events that occurred on Magala Island.

Needless to say, the story will provide you with many things to think about. There is a reoccurring universal theme here, one that seems to plague humanity-the inability to LOVE and to forgive.

Second, is the story based on the life of a boy, Iqbal Masih, born in Pakistan in 1983, who became enslaved as a four year old in order to pay off a family debt, "In 1986, Iqbal's older brother was to be married and the family needed money to pay for a celebration. For a very poor family in Pakistan, the only way to borrow money is to ask a local employer. These employers specialize in this kind of barter, where the employer loans a family money in exchange for the bonded labor of a small child."

His story is a difficult one, yet not so new. Under harsh conditions, Iqbal spent 6 years of his life working for a carpet maker in Pakistan toiling 6 days a week, 14 hours a day along with many other young children. At the age of ten he was finally freed and fought against bonded child labor.

Note the Kite, a symbol 

Story based on Iqbal Masih by
Francesco D'Adamo
Iqbal Masih, age 12 [1983-1995]

The ending to both these stories is both heart wrenching and poignant, mostly because they are either true as in Iqbal's plight which ends in his death, and that of Lizzie's. Though she may have been a fictitious character, the story still capitalizes on the issues of bias crimes of hate.

So, what can you do?

Well, if after reading this material you are driven to continue your own research, then do so. Find out all you can about the places, the people, the causes, the circumstances, the end result, and then know, there really is only one thing left to do, and that is to be grateful for all the good you do have.

To understand that suffering is brought on by people and that it can also end by people.

Hate begets hate MLK; and the only way to remove it is to love, yes, as much of a cliche that it is, it is still the only hope humanity has: forgive, and forgive with all your might.

Further, it is never fair to say,"Well this group suffered more, than let's say, that group," because whether it involves one person who is bullied, or a group of people who are discriminated against, there is still suffering.

Suffering is suffering.

And if there is a purpose for it, then it surely must be to bring one to a higher realization that life is indeed good and one must strive to embrace all that is good: AT ALL COSTS.

So, instead choose to be kind toward everyone who is within your sphere. In turn, each of those people will be kind to people in their sphere, and soon believe it or not, we will have what I like to call, "a global halo effect."

Imagine what that would look like...can you imagine it even for a few seconds?

It is possible.

Now, take a look at the third account and how this child managed to turn his own personal family struggle into a positive spin.

Akash Viswanath Mehts, age 10 writes an article for Stone Soup, July 2009, "Love--A Cursed Blessing."

He states, " 'First of all, you must know that my story is not unique. It's merely the same tale as millions, maybe even billions of human beings; a few thousand hearts broken every day the same way as my life was shattered. Shattered but able to be put back together, piece by piece... But I take it the other way. I say the opposite; for every bad thing a good thing appears.' "

Akash recounts in six chapters when he was 6 years old the story of his parent's divorce, the personal struggle, and the new found joys of embracing a different life.

" ' I realized it was my mother's home and not my father's. At first I thought it was a joke. Then I wept, and then we all slept in the same bed, crying throughout the night.' "

July 2009, Stone Soup

Author, Akash Viswanath Mehta, age 10

After reading his story, I was curious to find the title of the book he mentioned his father had finally published. Though I was unable to locate it, instead I found the following clip where Akash is seen participating in a controversial situation involving Dow Chemical.

Here's the clip:

What are your thoughts on this?

And though, I have shared some sobering accounts, one ideal is certain, and it is in Einstein's response to a question once posed: Is the universe a friendly one?

To which he replied, "Yes, it is a very friendly Universe."

Therefore, above all else kids, keep that ideal in mind.

Happy reading and thinking kids.

The Teach

PS. Dear Einstein, Do scientists pray?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dear Teach:The Calm Before the Storm

Hi Boys and Girls,

Have you ever heard the expression the calm before the storm? Well, wiktionary defines it as "A period of peace before a disturbance or crisis; an unnatural or false calm before a storm." 

And, evidently the expression has also been used in a song by rock band, Fall Out Boys "...Calm before the storm set it off, and the sun burnt out tonight..."

But according to the Discovery Channel this old sailor's adage used for generations is explained by: ...people believe that the worst storms are immediately preceded [ come before] by a period of calm, smooth weather. The reason for these periods of calm is simple; storms are caused by an updraft of moisture and heat coalescing [ come together as one] in one area. As storm clouds form, some of the moisture-saturated [filled with] air is pushed out of the tops of the highest clouds in the storm system. As this air descends back down, it begins to compress, becoming drier and warmer. Warm, dry air is more stable than cool, wet air; as a result, the air that initially formed the storm also acts as a temporary shield, preventing more air from entering the storm cloud formation and producing the "calm" before the storm...

And so it was that not too long ago I noticed not only a calm, but the sky ablaze in a magnificent red. The entire sky was lit in red orange hues. Immediately I thought, " Oh, the calm before the storm, soon we'll have a rainstorm." I remained outside and began to take photos of the sky. And much to my amazement the sky filled with cloud formations and collections of color arrangements I had never before seen, at least not in my own backyard.

The following day, I viewed a TED talk titled Camille Seaman: Photos from a storm chaser. And it was after I viewed this presentation that I realized the greater meaning of what I had seen on the night of the calm before the storm. Camille Seaman asserts:

" ' Everything is interconnected. As a Shinnecock Indian, I was raised to know this. We are a small fishing tribe situated on the southeastern tip of Long Island near the town of Southampton in New York. When I was a little girl, my grandfather took me to sit outside in the sun on a hot summer day. There were no clouds in the sky. And after a while I began to perspire. And he pointed up to the sky, and he said, "Look, do you see that? That's part of you up there. That's your water that helps to make the cloud that becomes the rain that feeds the plants that feeds the animals...' "

" '...What really excites me about these storms is their movement, the way they swirl and spin and undulate, with their lava lamp-like mammatus clouds. They become lovely monsters.
When I'm photographing them, I cannot help but remember my grandfather's lesson. As I stand under them, I see not just a cloud, but understand that what I have the privilege to witness is the same forces, the same process in a small-scale version that helped to create our galaxy, our solar system, our sun and even this very planet.' "

Here's her Ted Talk:

Here are a few of the images taken on the night of the calm before the storm:

©2013Belle Mead, NJ JMW

©2013Belle Mead, NJ JMW

©2013Belle Mead, NJ JMW
©2013Belle Mead, NJ JMW

©2013Belle Mead, NJ JMW [notice the tree line in the lower far lefthand corner]

Beyond the collection of hues and the profound understanding that all life is interconnected, one revelation remained, I waited and waited, but no storm [a few raindrops, but never a storm], instead a display of awe, one of nature's artistic magnificence for all to see.

Be well kids.

The Teach

PS. Anyone of these images could be the backdrop for a story, a setting, a painting, someone's adventure. Maybe even yours!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Dear Teach: 50 Seconds of Nature

Hi Boys and Girls,

Amongst oh so many summer activities most of you are sure to indulge in: swimming, camping, eating watermelon, attending barbecues, visiting with family and friends, playing computer games, going to the movies, and much, much more; do find some time to be outside for 50 seconds and to look around.

It does not matter where you are: the beach, the city, the suburbs, the mountains, etc. because you will be amazed at what you see. 
Here's what you need to do:

Locate an outdoor spot [it can be anywhere] Here's a few suggestions:

  • a sidewalk
  • a flowerpot
  • the edge of a parking lot
  • base of a tree

Then just stand quietly and observe.
  • What do you see?
  • Are there patterns?
  • Is there any movement?

Take a  good look because you are about to witness a world with activity. Notice the grasshopper leaps effortlessly.

Here's a clip, but you need to look very closely to see nature's miracles:

Grasshopper, notice his false eyes sure to frighten his enemies. Did you see him jump! What a landing!
            [Edited by Casey Waltz]

Look closely at his false eyes!

Deep in the center of the screen, motionless, a juvenile praying mantis [as seen from the top and 
side views]. 

Closeup of Praying Mantis

He is stretched out between two flower buds.
Can you see him? 
He is facing the left side of the screen.

Praying Mantis all month to the day...
Praying Mantis, turns to glaze and then climbs glass door



Busy bees move from catmint floweret to floweret in a bit of a frenzy!

A bit of information

See which parts of the daisy's cross-section
you can match up with this  image.
Which common terms do you see?
What conclusion can you draw about
the parts of flowers?

                                          Here are a few images to think about:





Notice the pattern. What does it resemble? 
Notice the two insects, what are they?

Cross-section of a daisy


A blade of grass sets root within
two tree trunks. 
What does this tell you about


Clover finds itself a home against a 
concrete wall.

Some general things to do:
Find out about pollination, how exactly do bees and other insects retrieve the nectar,  the current concerns over the diminishing bee population, just how do grasshoppers launch themselves, where do the praying mantis lay their young, how does a clover become a 4 leafed clover, what are the parts of grasses, what is it about their root systems that enable them to anchor themselves practically anywhere, where does moss come from, why does it tend to grow only in the southern exposure of host plants; make up your own question, and locate a satisfactory answer. 

And so it is, our world is teeming with tiny creatures and plant life who go about their business without a care. They do not concern themselves with the ongoings around their environs, instead they delight in the simple joy of existence.

So, the next time you are outside, anywhere, stop and look! What do you see? Grab your smart phones, or Ipads and make a clip. You can create a digital portfolio of this summer's  50 Seconds of Nature's Sightings. All one needs is patience, and you will see creatures you never imagined existed beneath your very feet.

Soon the insignificant becomes the most significant for its simplicity and beauty.

Have fun kids!

The Teach

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dear Teach: Poetry

Hi Boys and Girls,

Yes, even though April is the traditional month for celebrating poetry, you really can enjoy poetry just about anytime of year. In fact, right now in these last few days of June, just as school is about to end, there are myriads of familiar topics you may wish to write about; and, just to provide you with a few examples, consider some of these topics or create some of your own.

Gym Class

Running That Mile

Hands Raised

Homework, that Demon

Bubble Gum

My School Lunch

My Friends

A Good Joke

The Detention,... but it wasn't my fault!

The Pond

Sweating up a Storm

No More Teachers...

School's Out

And while these topics are mere suggestions, so too is the method you choose for writing poems. The use of figurative language: alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, metaphor, similes, repetition, repetition, and so on is one way to practice these devices. Arranging the lines in groups or stanzas is another way to visually shape the poem. If you do write a poem, feel free to let the poem rest  awhile, then return to it with a fresh look. You will find some lines will benefit tweaking. Read it out loud or have someone read it to you. It is a good idea to close your eyes and see if you can visualize the poem, if not, you may want to add a few more descriptive words. Last, think about  your poem's message, but do know once the poem is out of the poet's hands, it belongs to the reader.

But in the end, simply write from the heart, and have fun while you are doing it.

Here's a clip I made for you with a guest visitor. I hope you enjoy viewing it.

Poetry for Kids and a guest visitor

    Kitty sound asleep on my desk!

Happy writing kids,

Be well,

The Teach

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dear Teach: The Amazing Spiderman 2

Hi Boys and Girls,

Who's your favorite action hero? Is it Superman? Batman? Cat Woman? Wonder Woman? or Batgirl? Or perhaps newcomer Katniss Everdeen?

What makes kids and even adults fall in love with these super action heroes?

Maybe the answer lies in the word-action? Besides having Herculaneum strength these super heroes have been known to scale enormous heights and perform feats one can only image.

Or is it the issue of Good vs Evil-for after all don't we love catching the bad guys?

Well, for what ever reason both young and old love reading the comic series and seeing the great blockbusters on the sliver screen. And for some people there is a fascination with spiderwebs, such that they have them tattooed on their arms.
Tattooed arm of a crew member, Brooklyn
Hint: What action hero could this remind you of?

Spiderman? Yes, of course!

One thing is certain though, there is quite a bit that goes into those "hair raising and nail biting" scenes that have us gripping the edge of our seats.

So for all of you who have ever wondered, "How did they do that?"

Here's some general background:

To begin, finding a suitable place to film such a movie is crucial. The fact is NYC is perfect; many films are shot here. That's just the way it is.

We now have a stage.

Next, a plot!

So here's a scenario to consider:

Imagine being in the jaws of the city on a late dark gloomy night. You are walking along a cobbled stoned abandoned train track street and deafening train sounds surround you. You are now standing beneath the enormous Manhattan Bridge with its colossal concrete pillar blocks that carry trains to their destination.

The rain continues to drizzle, it is murky. Metal rolling garage doors cover store fronts in the dismal former industrial area, only to make everything seem even more ominous.

You pause to have a conversation and look about when suddenly a speeding 18-wheel truck barrels past you and low and behold, you see:

The Amazing Spiderman! 

He clings to the hood and gingerly balances himself while the truck- now a speeding locomotive is on a collision course!

Desperately Spiderman strikes serious blows at the windshield in an attempt to stop his nemeses-archival--Rhino.

Now, here is a closer look at Spiderman and his heroic actions. He is actually tethered to the windshield for safety purposes, and there are at least two sets of cameras flanked on either side of the truck. Doing so will catch the pedestrians [background] who runaway. Further, some items that are tossed about and appear to be juggled with feet, are actually tied to a makeshift fishing pole and bounced about. Spiderman's co-ordinated, but is he that good?! [Don't want to give away too much of the magic, you'll have to wait and see for yourself!]

Well, that may indeed be a small episode from an entire Spiderman movie, but in real time, over 48 hours of intense planning, takes and retakes, heavy work, positioning and repositioning of multiple cameras, directions to background people, and much more has to occur before audiences see the final film. In fact, the number of support staff is staggering-hundreds. There are makeup artists, electricians, directors, camera crew, location scouts, editors, production assistants, actors and more.

Now we did say it was drizzling, but the sun did peek out and the scene appeared to have changed. No problem, measurements are taken, and in no time a huge water truck arrives at the scene. The street is sprayed with layers of water, and soon the set is restored to its former self. A red megaphone is held to the director's lips, he calls Action!

As it turns out background [an expression for all those people who fill the all-so-important space in movies] provides the element that makes the movie seem real. And although there may only be twenty-five pedestrians on set, by the time the directors are finished, it will seem like 250.These people work long and hard hours. Many times running, moving, jogging, dashing, hundreds of times before the director feels the scene is "just right." When the announcement is made, "Checking the gate" that means if all is well, it is a wrap and everyone can go home after a very hard day's work.

But in between all of this, there are gaggles of paparazzi armed to the hill with foot sized cameras ready to descend on the actors at a moment's notice. Lightning speed photos are shot, and shown on the internet for your entertainment.


Spiderman! Our hero!

 Rhino, the villainous nemeses played by Paul Giamatti

Order is restored!

How'd his pants fall down?! And, what's that flying in the air??

Andrew Garfield fighting Paul Giamatti

Andrew Garfield who plays Spiderman 

takes a break

Pint size Super Hero, [check out his boots!] 
Watch out Spiderman
 he may be giving you a run for your money! 

So, the next time those of you who are aspiring actors and directors find yourselves in NYC, find out the location of a movie set, you are bound to see one up close and personal.

AND NOW--Who's going to be the next super hero?

Maybe it'll be YOU!! Whether you are 3 or 103, it's never too late or early to start planning!

Pictures up! Rolling! Background! Action!

Be well guys,

The Teach

PS. As exciting as all of this is, you'll have to wait until May 2014 to see Spiderman in action in 3-D it'll be well worth the wait!